由Indah Permatasari领衔主演的临终时刻是一部综合评分8.0的其它电影。讲述了 At a time when Pak Wiryo found it difficult to die because he had a 'hold', the children of his first wife and second wife were fighting over the inheritance. 这部片子真心不错,剧情紧凑,演员也表现得很到位,怪不得上映后好评不断!
艾尔皮迪娅·卡里洛 特诺切·韦尔塔 克里·卡希尔 贝茜·波雷戈 Harlon Miller Ariana Guerra Jennifer Patino Britton Webb Ashleigh Lewis Evelyn Gonzalez René Mena Robert Larriviere Amelia Rico Joseph Garcia Rachel Whitman Groves